Vegetables That Are Healthier For You Cooked Than Raw

Vegetables That Are Healthier For You Cooked Than Raw It’s no secret that vegetables have the word “healthy” stamped all over them when it comes to choosing foods that are good for the body. But, the debate continues over whether raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables. Previously published studies have shown that essential nutrients … Continue reading “Vegetables That Are Healthier For You Cooked Than Raw”

Elderly Home Care and Depression – Symptoms and Prevention Tips

Elderly Home Care and Depression – Symptoms and Prevention Tips When seniors have trouble sleeping, or difficulty concentrating, or develop aches or pains, it’s easy to explain the symptoms away as a normal part of aging. But, geriatric healthcare professionals want family members, friends, and caregivers to realize that these complaints could possibly be signs … Continue reading “Elderly Home Care and Depression – Symptoms and Prevention Tips”

Improving Care For The Elderly

Improving Care For The Elderly Under traditional healthcare models, older adults, including those with mobility problems, find their own transportation to a doctor’s office, wait for an hour or so before seeing a doctor, and only spend a few minutes talking with the doctor. Now, a new healthcare model is emerging where healthcare professionals travel … Continue reading “Improving Care For The Elderly”

Senior Age Tech: Amazon Offers Care Hub For Elderly Parents

Senior Age Tech: Amazon Offers Care Hub For Elderly Parents Alexa, Amazon’s cloud-based voice service, can answer questions about the weather, or how to know when a turkey is done, or how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon. What’s more, the interactive device responds to commands such as, “Alexa, preheat the oven,” or “Alexa, tell me … Continue reading “Senior Age Tech: Amazon Offers Care Hub For Elderly Parents”

Caregiving: The Emotional Toll

Caregiving: The Emotional Toll Arthur Kleinman spent 10 years caring for his wife, Joan, who was diagnosed with a rare form of early Alzheimer’s disease when she was 59. Kleinman, a professor of psychiatry and medical anthropology at Harvard Medical School, said he studied illness and caregiving throughout his career; yet, he was not prepared … Continue reading “Caregiving: The Emotional Toll”

Dangers of Elderly Isolation Due to COVID-19

Dangers of Elderly Isolation Due to COVID-19 Justin Davis has not seen his 92-year-old grandmother since February because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The Nashville, Tennessee resident said he normally visits his only living grandmother at different times throughout the year and spends holidays with her. Sadly, Davis said he won’t be enjoying … Continue reading “Dangers of Elderly Isolation Due to COVID-19”

How to Help The Elderly DEC 2020

How to Help The Elderly DEC 2020 Many seniors prefer to age in place in the comfort of their home instead of in assisted living or a long-term care facility. Living independently may come with challenges; but with support, older adults can overcome their issues to live securely on their own terms. To do this, … Continue reading “How to Help The Elderly DEC 2020”

Struggling To Care For Your Elderly Loved Ones? Expert Opinions

Struggling To Care For Your Elderly Loved Ones? Expert Opinions Caring for elderly parents is indeed overwhelming, which is why some adult children ask eldercare experts for advice. Senior consultants, researchers who conduct studies on aging, and other eldercare experts know about the struggles of caring for elderly parents because many are experiencing—or have experienced—the … Continue reading “Struggling To Care For Your Elderly Loved Ones? Expert Opinions”

Vitamin D and Omega-3 Supplements Help the Elderly Boost Their Immune Systems, Against COVID-19 Infection Study Claims

Vitamin D and Omega-3 Supplements Help the Elderly Boost Their Immune Systems, Against COVID-19 Infection Study Claims Taking vitamin D and omega-3 supplements on a regular basis may help older adults fight infections, including the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), according to findings from a new study. The DO-HEALTH study, published in the November issue of … Continue reading “Vitamin D and Omega-3 Supplements Help the Elderly Boost Their Immune Systems, Against COVID-19 Infection Study Claims”

COVID, the Elderly, and the Holidays: Families Advised to Plan Early

December, COVID, the Elderly, and the Holidays: Families Advised to Plan Early The holidays are upon us and the spike in the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases continue. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, are you planning your usual December Holidays with a visit to your elderly aunt who lives in an assisted … Continue reading “COVID, the Elderly, and the Holidays: Families Advised to Plan Early”