In-Home Lung Cancer Care, Caregiver Services
A lung cancer diagnosis is a devastating blow to people of any age, but especially to older adults. However, having a live-in caregiver provide care during this time and being in the familiar surroundings of home, and having a support system will go a long way in helping older adults navigate the challenges brought on by this health condition. FCP Live-In can assist in Lung Cancer Care by helping seniors live independently in their own homes. For more than 20 years, our agency has provided customized in-home care services to meet the specific needs of our clients. FCP Live-In services include:
Personal Care Services
- Help with bathing, grooming, dressing, and feeding.
- Help with toileting, incontinence care, and safe nighttime trips to the bathroom.
- Help with mobility (walking, transfers)
- Medication reminders
Light Housekeeping Services
- Preparing meals
- Running errands
- Grocery shopping
- Light dusting, sweeping, vacuuming
- Changing and making beds
- Cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms
- Laundry
Companionship Services
- Provide transportation to doctor appointments
- Accompany clients with recreational and social activities
- Engaging in purposeful conversation with clients
- Encouraging exercise, as directed by a healthcare provider
FCP Live-In caregivers are trained to provide one-on-one in-home care that helps our clients improve their quality of life and remain in the security and comfort of their own homes. To learn more about how our Lung Cancer Care services can help your loved one, call FCP Live-In today at 1 (866) 559-9492.
Different Lung Cancers Share Similar Symptoms
Lung cancer occurs when uncontrolled cancer cells invade and destroy lung tissue. Researchers have found that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer because it damages the cells in the lining of the lungs.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that cigarette smokers are 15 to 30 times more likely to develop—and die from—lung cancer than those who do not smoke.
Along with smoking cigarettes, other causes for lung cancer include:
- Exposure to secondhand smoke
- Exposure to radiation (radon, radiation therapy, imaging tests)
- Exposure to asbestos in the workplace
- HIV infection
- Family history of lung cancer
Smoking is a common cause of small cell lung cancer (SCLC), a fast-growing type of cancer that forms large tumors and spreads outside of the lungs.
Another type of cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), an umbrella term for other lung cancers that are not SCLC. NSCLC make up the majority of all lung cancers, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS).
In some instances, it is difficult to identify specific subgroups of lung cancer because some of cancers share common symptoms, such as:
- Chronic cough that worsens over time
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Recurring infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis
- Weight loss
- Chest pain that worsens when coughing or laughing
As lung cancer progresses, patients will need assistance with managing daily tasks. FCP Live-In helps to make this possible with our in-home caregivers who provide personalized services for those facing this challenging health condition.
FCP Live-In Cancer Care Pages For:
Cancer Care
Lung Cancer Care
Prostate Cancer Care
Pancreatic Cancer Care
Hodgkins Lymphoma Care
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Care
Treatment Depends on the Lung Cancer Type
Treating the disease can be a lengthy process depending on the type of lung cancer a person has and how far the cancer has spread. In some instances, lung cancer patients undergo standard cancer treatment that includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
A patient may also undergo drug therapies that target lung cancer cells. Patients can also choose to participate in clinical trials that provide new treatment options. The trials determine whether the new options are safe and effective for treating disease.
Cancer treatment also involves visits to multiple doctors. For instance, a pulmonary specialist may focus on lung disease but recommend that a thoracic surgeon, who specializes in chest, heart and lung surgery, perform the surgery.
Needless to say, lung cancer patients will need emotional support as they undergo the various aspects of treating this life-threatening illness.
Lung Cancer Primarily Affects Older Adults
The American Lung Association (ALA) estimates that 541,000 people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lives.
While lung cancer can develop at any age, mostly older adults are diagnosed with the disease. ACS cites 70 as the average age when people receive a lung cancer diagnosis.
Unfortunately, more than half of lung cancer patients die within one year of their diagnosis, according to the ALA. This is primarily because only 16 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed in the early stages.
According to the ACS, more people die from lung cancer than they do from colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined.
FCP Live-In caregivers can contribute to the well-being of seniors as they face the challenges of lung cancer. To find out how our Lung Cancer care services can benefit your loved one, call us at 1 (866) 559-9492.
Residential Facilities Not the Best Options for Older Adults
Because of the many needs older adults with lung cancer may have, family members might consider placing them in an assisted living facility or a nursing home. After all, family members who work have their own families and personal responsibilities and may find it difficult to care for their aging—and ill—loved ones.
But, residential facilities are expensive and staff members have a limited amount of time to spend with each resident. So, seniors may be left alone for long periods of time.
What’s more, when a staff member does not come to work, other staff members must care for additional residents. Because of this, residents may have to wait their turn to get attention from a staff member This situation can be avoided when lung cancer patients receive in-home care.
About FCP Live-In And Our Lung Cancer Care Services
We have provided the ultimate solution for assisted Lung Cancer Care services since 1997. Our live-in Lung Cancer Care services agency is committed to providing a unique and customized In-Home Lung Cancer Care services approach to senior care with the goal of a lifestyle that provides enjoyment for the one in care and families with peace of mind.
FCP Live-In is a Live-In Home Care company with over two decades of experience specializing in elderly care needs within the home. Our live-in caregiver staff provides an insurance policy of safe and supportive care, along with a 24/7 professional support system that is there for the client and the live-in caregiver at all times.
For more information about our Lung Cancer Care services, contact FCP Live-In today at 1 (866) 559-9492 or please fill out the form below.
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