End of Life Care

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?

In-Home End-of-Life Caregiver Care | End-of-life care with a caring and compassionate caregiver in the comfort of home

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?At FCP Live-In, we believe those facing the end of life deserve dignity, respect, and the ability to bid goodbye to friends and family in the comfort of familiar surroundings. For more than two decades, our compassionate and highly trained end-of-life caregivers have helped seniors live independent, safe, and full lives at home. When the end of life approaches, you can be assured that our team of end-of-life care, caregivers will also be ready to provide your loved one and your family with the support and assistance you need at this difficult time.

With FCP Live-In, affordable, quality end-of-life, live-in hospice care or palliative care is now easier than ever.

Let us treat your loved one like family. Call us directly at 1 (866) 559-9492

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?

A Loved One’s Impending Passing is Always Difficult

Death is a natural part of our life cycle, but the end of life is never easy. And far too often, training in this vital aspect of care is overlooked for both caregivers and healthcare providers.

In fact, a landmark 1997 study found that a majority of Americans facing the end of their lives were extremely dissatisfied with their options with care.

While most people with serious, advanced illnesses preferred to die at home, the majority passed away in hospitals and received more aggressive care than was desired. Many also feared abandonment and untreated physical distress.

End Of Life Caring In The United States | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs

End-of-life signs | What to Expect When End of life Is Near

As the body starts to slow down, people approaching the end will experience some normal and natural changes.

1-to-3 months before death, they may:

  • Sleep more or take more frequent naps.
  • Eat and drink less.
  • Withdraw from friends and family.
  • Stop doing things they enjoy.
  • Talk less.

1-to-2 weeks before death, they are likely to experience:

  • Changes in sleeping patterns.
  • Have little appetite or thirst.
  • Fewer, smaller bowel movements and less urine output.
  • Increased pain.
  • Changes in blood pressure, heart rate, or breathing.
  • Fluctuations in body temperature that may leave their skin moist, pale, cool, or warm.
  • Congested breathing.
  • Confusion or appear to be in a daze.

Hospice Caregiver | Palliative caregiver

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?

End-of-life Care in Assisted Living and Nursing Homes

Many assisted living facilities don’t offer end-of-life care services. If this is the case, the facility may require residents nearing the end of their lives to transfer to a nursing home.

Nursing homes offer 24/7 skilled care. However, due to chronic understaffing, these facilities usually can’t provide the personal level of care most people desire for their loved ones. In fact, one recent study found that most nursing home residents who would benefit from palliative or hospice care weren’t receiving those services.

Even if a nursing home does make an effort to offer end-of-life care, it’s doubtful that the program will offer the emotional support made possible by a caring family member or companion. In all honesty, most overworked nursing home staff just don’t have the time for this type of one-on-one attention. If the facility is inflexible when it comes to visiting hours, there’s a good chance you might not be there at the end and your loved one could pass alone.

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?

Live-In End-of-life Caregiver Support at Home

It’s not surprising that most people wish to handle end of life in their own home. Friends and family can come and go as they please, while the comfort and familiarity of home can help ease the anxiety of a loved one’s final journal. However, it can be difficult for family caregivers to find the physical and emotional fortitude to shoulder responsibility for a dying loved one on their own.

Fortunately, there is a better way. FCP Live-in caregiver support allows your loved one to remain at home, surrounded by friends, family, and happy memories, through every stage of the end of life process.

Our highly-trained and compassionate caregivers will provide non-medical support to help minimize discomfort, assist with dressing, bathing, and other personal tasks, and offer a comforting presence to alleviate stress and anxiety during this difficult time. They can also take on the tasks of meal preparation, laundry, shopping, and light housekeeping, freeing you and your family to spend precious time with your loved one as they near the end of their life.

At FCP-Live in, we understand that families depend on our expertise to provide quality care and experiences. All of our caregivers undergo a strict screening and hiring process, are fully certified and provided with ongoing training.

If you’re ready to explore the BEST solution for end-of-life care, call 1 (866) 559-9492.

End-Of-Life Care, Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency | End of life: Nursing Hospice Costs | What is end of life care?

About FCP Live-In And End-of-life caregiver support

We have provided the ultimate solution for assisted live-in caregiver support services since 1997. Our live-in home care services agency is committed to providing a unique and customized In-Home approach to end-of-life care with the goal of a lifestyle that provides enjoyment for the one in care, and families with peace of mind.  

FCP Live-In is a Live-In Home Care company with over two decades of experience specializing in elderly care needs within the home. Our live-in caregiver staff provides an insurance policy of safe and supportive care, along with a 24/7 professional support system that is there for the client and the live-in caregiver at all times.

Studies Mentioned:

Link: https://report.nih.gov/NIHfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=40
Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2663850

General Research:

Link: https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/journeys-end-active-dying#1

More Information

LINK: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-end-life-care
LINK: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/end-of-life/late-stage-and-end-of-life-care.htm
LINK: https://www.cancer.org/treatment/end-of-life-care.html
LINK: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/end-of-life-care
LINK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End-of-life_care
LINK: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/end-of-life/basics/endoflife-care/hlv-20049403
LINK: https://www.webmd.com/palliative-care/journeys-end-active-dying
LINK: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/end-of-life-and-palliative-care-explained
LINK: https://www.ajmc.com/contributor/sophia-bernazzani/2016/03/guide-to-end-of-life-care-options
LINK: https://www.aafp.org/afp/topicModules/viewTopicModule.htm?topicModuleId=57
LINK: https://www.healthinaging.org/age-friendly-healthcare-you/care-what-matters-most/end-life-care
LINK: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/end-of-life-care/what-it-involves-and-when-it-starts/
LINK: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/end-of-life-care/
LINK: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/support/diagnosed/recent-diagnosis/palliative-care-end-of-life-care
LINK: https://medlineplus.gov/endoflifeissues.html
LINK: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2532015
LINK: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMms1410321

FCP Live-In Testimonials

“Pamela [caregiver] is compassionate with end of life care. Pamela is honest and hard-working, a good woman who took better care of mom than we could have. We are going to miss her and have been very pleased with FCP Live-In’s services.”
– Susan N. (Daughter) – East Boston, MA
“We are going to miss my Mom’s caregiver Elvira. She is lovely, great, and welcoming and able to handle Hospice Care.”
– Betty M. (Daughter) – South Portland, ME

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