Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, Solutions

With COPD your life revolves around just breathing, a live-in caregiver can take care of all your other necessities

FCP Live-In Logo Alzheimer’s Care | Services Care Solutions | Live-In Home Alzheimer’s Care Services, Alzheimer’s In-home careWhen the demands of caring for your loved one with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) become overwhelming, FCP Live-In can help. FCP Live-In is a leading in-home COPD care agency that provides comprehensive services to help your loved one live successfully at home with one of our COPD caregivers and managing their COPD with a sense of dignity.

Our In-Home COPD Caregiver Care services include:

Personal Care Services

  • Assistance with grooming, bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting
  • Accompanying to doctor offices and other medical appointments
  • Ensuring medications are taken on schedule
  • Assistance with exercising

Housekeeping Services

  • Light dusting
  • Vacuuming
  • Cleaning kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms
  • Making and changing beds
  • Grocery shopping
  • Meal preparation

Companion Services

  • Accompanying your loved one to recreational activities and other visits
  • Providing meaningful engagement and emotional support to help your loved one make the most of life

At FCP Live-In, we take a personalized approach in developing customized in-home care services for our clients. Our in-home caregivers have a 24-hour professional support system available to further assist in meeting our clients specific needs.

To learn more about how your loved one would benefit from our In-Home COPD Care Services, contact FCP Live-In today. Call: 1 (866) 559-9492.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, Solutions

Causes and Consequences of COPD

COPD Care | COPD Caregiver | COPD In-Home Care | Live-In COPD Caregiver Care | Services, In-Home, Agency

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD, is a progressive lung disease that makes it difficult for people to breathe and carry out daily activities. COPD most often occurs in older adults.

While there are many signs and symptoms of COPD, the most common are:

  • Chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Increased shortness of breath

The symptoms can worsen if a person has other health conditions such as heart failure, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), pulmonary hypertension or atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat).

Cigarette smoking is a common cause of COPD. However, non-smokers can also develop the lung disease due to:

  • Long-term exposure to second-hand smoke
  • Air pollution
  • Respiratory infections
  • Asthma history
  • Long-term inhaling of dust, strong fumes or gases

Although there are different types of COPD, the two most common forms are:

  • Chronic bronchitis: Develops when the bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs, become inflamed.
  • Emphysema: Occurs when air sacs in the lungs are damaged.

While COPD can be treated with medications and managed with lifestyle changes, there is no cure for the condition. As a result, people with COPD may need to rely on caregivers when their overall physical activity declines and they can no longer care for themselves.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, Solutions

COPD Affects Routine Activities

People in the early stages of COPD may not realize that they have a lung disease. It is common for them to first assume that the increased coughing or shortness of breath is related to aging, seasonal allergies, or weight gain.

As the lung disease progresses and symptoms increase, people with COPD will find it difficult to work, exercise, walk, climb stairs and carry out other routine tasks. In some cases, they may have little interest in attending social activities because of constant fatigue.

Unfortunately, COPD symptoms can become worse before a person receives a diagnosis. And, as the body weakens, the disease places COPD sufferers at risk for infections, respiratory failure and other serious illnesses that may require surgery.

At FCP Live-In, we help COPD patients improve their quality of life as they manage this disease. Our caregivers make sure that medications are taken on time and accompany clients to pulmonary rehabilitation or other forms of therapy ordered by treating physicians. Our personalized services take into account the needs your loved one will have in all stages of COPD.

CDC Report: COPD Among Leading Causes of Death in the United States

COPD Care | COPD Caregiver | COPD In-Home Care | Live-In COPD Caregiver Care | Services, In-Home, Agency

In 2015, about 15 million people had been diagnosed with COPD and the lung disease was listed as the underlying reason for 150,350 deaths, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). COPD was the third leading cause of death in the United States in 2015 and the fourth leading cause in 2016.

The CDC also found that people who live in rural areas in the United States were more likely to develop COPD and die from the disease than urban area residents. The report surmises that people in rural areas may be more at risk for developing COPD because rural populations have:

  • A greater number of people with a history of smoking
  • More exposure to second-hand smoke
  • Less access to programs that help people quit smoking
  • Limited access to early diagnosis, treatment, and management of COPD

Since COPD is incurable, people may eventually need daily support in managing their symptoms as the disease worsens.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, Solutions

Link: CDC 2015 report:
Link: CDC 2013 report:

Caring for Loved Ones with COPD

The COPD Foundation claims 65 million family members across the United States are caring for their loved ones with COPD an average of 20 hours a week or around the clock.

If you are a family caregiver, you may decide to send your loved one with COPD to a nursing home or assisted living facility because of the constant demands caregiving places on your time.

However, it may be difficult for employees assigned to multiple residents to provide the personalized care your loved one needs to manage COPD. For instance, how will you know whether your loved one is taking medication on time or receiving specific treatments the doctor ordered? Or what if your loved one has trouble adapting to an unfamiliar environment?

At FCP Live-In, we understand the demands of caring for someone with COPD each day. Because of this, we offer in-home services customized to meet your loved one’s daily needs. At the same time, we help to relieve the many caregiving responsibilities and other pressures you may have because of your loved one’s COPD diagnosis.

If you want to be sure that your loved one receives consistent one-on-one home care, call FCP Live-In at 1 (866) 559-9492.

Link: COPD Foundation

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, Solutions

About FCP Live-In and Our Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD Care Services

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care COPD Care Caregiver | In-Home, Home Care, Live-In, Services, Agency, SolutionsFCP Live-In has provided the ultimate solution for assisted Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Care services since 1997. Our live-in COPD Care services agency is committed to providing a unique and customized In-Home COPD Care services approach to senior care with the goal of a lifestyle that provides enjoyment for the one in care, and families with peace of mind.

FCP Live-In is a Live-In Home Care company with over two decades of experience specializing in elderly care needs within the home. Our live-in caregiver staff provides an insurance policy of safe and supportive care, along with a 24/7 professional support system that is there for the client and the live-in caregiver at all times.

For more information about our COPD Care services, contact FCP Live-In today at 1 (866) 559-9492 or please fill out the form below.

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