FCP Internal Files

Internal files for FCP use only.

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*FCP Live-In Review Request Email Form

Better Business Bureau Review

Create an Apple ID (without a credit card)

Creating An HTML Signature in GMail

Email 01 DRIP CAMPAIGN - "Guy Stoye, Commercial, CAA"

Email 02 DRIP CAMPAIGN - "Real Care Stories"

Email 03 DRIP CAMPAIGN - "Testimonial email"

Email ACO DRIP CAMPAIGN - 1, 2, 3, and 4

Email Blast "FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Referral Emailer" Instructions

Email Blast "Legal" Flyer (05/19/21)

Email Blast "What Can FCP Do For You?" Instructions

Email Blast “FCP Live-In Recognizes Nursing Professional Development Week Sept. 18th-24th!” Instructions

Email Blast “Happy Holidays” Instructions

Email Blast “Happy Labor Day” Instructions

Email Blast “Happy New Year” Instructions

Email Blast “Share The Care Program” Instructions

Email Blast “Thanksgiving Day” Instructions

Email Blast “Winter Blues” Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

FACEBOOK: Add People to Your Ad Account

FACEBOOK: Banning certain comments on posts

FACEBOOK: Create a Page Post in Ads Manager

FACEBOOK: Create Ads From Existing Posts in Ads Manager

FCP Healthy Holiday Tips

FCP Live-In | Flyer | Personal Care Assistant

FCP Live-In | Flyer | Referral Flyer

GOOGLE GMAIL Set up an objectionable content rule

GOOGLE: How to Delete a Review You Left for FCP Live-In on Google

How to create a Facebook ad

How to Download Videos from an iPhone - from FCP Live-In

Leaving A Google Review

PHOTOS "How to Shoot Quality Photos" from FCP Live-In

Resource Page Info List



SPAM & SCAM Messages

Standard Precautions to Prevent the Spread of Infection For all FCP Caregivers

The Review App - Apple ID

The Review App - Set-up

TWITTER: Creating Twitter Ads

TWITTER: Multi-User Log-In For Twitter Ads

Using DropBox to send Videos

VIDEOS "How to Shoot Quality Videos" from FCP Live-In

VIDEOS: How to Set Video Settings Correctly On An iPhone or Android

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