Download the app to your mobile device or computer!
Use this link “Download App”
Instructions to Download the App
APP link:
Click on the link above to download the App. After it downloads, click on the App, and when it asks for a “device key”, enter the device key below that has been assigned to into the app. That’s it. Set-up is complete.
Key |
Assigned To |
a04d2b |
Ashley Ross |
3189a6 |
Beth Ann Scanlon |
13e2c0 |
Cheri Wurth |
f1fe50 |
Chris Goudarzy |
f9a87a |
David Anthony |
1e0097 |
David Sylvester |
94cc0a |
Dawn Sanchez |
1a4c0a |
Dawn Sanchez |
2faf05 |
Dawn Sanchez |
f6bb64 |
Debra Syrowsky |
89cf49 |
Donna McGinnlly |
27ebd3 |
Donna Sherman |
b53e93 |
Eric Rosenberger |
deb80d |
Garry Beard |
808646 |
Jennye Durante |
7e3edb |
Jordan Clauson |
670cc5 |
Kellie Krauchick |
9ff4fb |
Kevin M. Williams |
edb17f |
Kristie Woodard |
dafbc7 |
Lorraine Hansen |
c1708a |
Michael Carter |
dcf1c5 |
Michelle Distefano |
01bd02 |
Newton Dubs |
7c551f |
Nicole Baillargeon |
17b9c0 |
Pamela Bryant |
e81ae9 |
Rasa St. John |
926772 |
Richard Williams |
4cedf4 |
Robert Moore |
d4304f |
Ronda Janey-Frapied |
8df3e3 |
Sarah Levesque |
99039c |
Scott Brodeur |
d62cf6 |
Shytiauana Stacks |
e52ddb |
Stephanie Hess |
d3a562 |
Unassigned |
ddfb10 |
Unassigned |
a56e7e |
Unassigned |
297e49 |
Unassigned |
ce7f4e |
Unassigned |
9d14e7 |
Unassigned |
Instructions for Sending A Review Request
From mobile app
When you open the App, you’ll see the “Text Request” field at the top. Hit the dropdown arrow in that field, and it will show “Text Request” or “Email Request” options. Use the “Text Request” if they have a smartphone and “email request” if they don’t. If you are going to use “Text Request,” type in the customer’s name and mobile number and hit send. If you are going to use “Email Request,” enter their name and email address, and hit “Send.” Note: you MUST enter the mobile number; cutting and pasting the phone number will not work.
From desktop app
The desktop app interface will closely resemble the mobile app interface. Follow the instructions above to send a review request from your desktop app.
From dashboard
From your dashboard (, choose the “Request a Review” tab (on the far right of your top menu). A popup box will appear. Within the popup, select the tab that says “Text Request” or “Email Request.” From here, you fill in the customer’s name and mobile number or their name and email address and hit “Send.”
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