Seniors To Pay More For Medicare

Seniors To Pay More For Medicare Starting January 1, 2025, Medicare beneficiaries will face higher costs and see other changes to the federal insurance program plans. One of the most talked-about changes is the roughly six percent increase in the Medicare Part B premium plan. In 2025, more than 67 million seniors will see their … Continue reading “Seniors To Pay More For Medicare”

Symptoms Of Abdominal Issues!

Symptoms Of Abdominal Issues! It’s common to experience a rumbling in the stomach every now and then or have mild digestive discomfort after eating a big meal, especially if the meal included spicy foods. These problems usually go away on their own. However, when gastrointestinal symptoms continue and pain begins to intensify, then it’s time … Continue reading “Symptoms Of Abdominal Issues!”

A Stroke Warning Sign?

A Stroke Warning Sign? Neurologists say “time is brain” when it comes to having a stroke. What they mean is every second counts when it comes to someone having a stroke. Delaying treatment places a person at a higher risk of coma or even death. An ischemic stroke, also called a “brain attack,” occurs when … Continue reading “A Stroke Warning Sign?”

Vitamin B12: How important Is the Vitamin to Your Health?

Vitamin B12: How important Is the Vitamin to Your Health? If you recently developed frequent dizziness, an irregular heartbeat, or unexplained weight loss, you may believe that you have hypertension, atrial fibrillation, or another health condition. Instead of a more familiar health issue, it’s possible that you could have something that would surprise you: A … Continue reading “Vitamin B12: How important Is the Vitamin to Your Health?”

Why Are Neurological Disorders on The Rise?

Why Are Neurological Disorders on The Rise? Medical experts are seeing a continual increase in neurological disorders that cause death and disabilities and neuroscientists are stepping up their research efforts to get to the root of the problem. Although specific causes of neurological disorders vary, some studies show age and environmental pollution are factors behind … Continue reading “Why Are Neurological Disorders on The Rise?”

Is Aspirin Still The Best Thing For Heart Attacks?

Is Aspirin Still The Best Thing For Heart Attacks? People who are 60 and over should not take daily low-dose aspirin to prevent a first heart attack or stroke, a health guidelines panel said in a draft recommendation recently. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (Task Force), a national panel of experts in prevention and … Continue reading “Is Aspirin Still The Best Thing For Heart Attacks?”

Signs Of A Silent Heart Attack

Signs Of A Silent Heart Attack When we think of people having a heart attack, we usually imagine them clutching their chest, doubling over in pain, and collapsing, as we see on a television show or in the movies. But, not all heart attacks are that intense. In fact, a person could be having a … Continue reading “Signs Of A Silent Heart Attack”

Omega-3’s Linked To Longer Life

Omega-3’s Linked To Longer Life Doctors generally warn that having high levels of saturated fatty acids in the body can lead to major health problems that can shorten a person’s life expectancy. But not all fatty acids are bad. A new study has found that omega-3 fatty acids can potentially increase life expectancy by almost … Continue reading “Omega-3’s Linked To Longer Life”

Smoke From Wildfires More Toxic Than We Thought

Smoke From Wildfires More Toxic Than We Thought In July, Samir Kumar was running errands in his uptown Manhattan neighborhood and thought the air felt thick. The 29-year-old New York resident, who has asthma, said he had to take bigger breaths because he started experiencing shortness of breath and tightness in his chest. Fortunately, he … Continue reading “Smoke From Wildfires More Toxic Than We Thought”