FCP Live-In’s Assistance Coordinator, Kelley Green, was proud to give a presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to the Interdisciplinary Care Team at Valerie Manor in Torrington, Connecticut.
FCP Live-In Homecare’s Assistance Coordinator, Kelley Green, was proud to give a lively and engaging presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to a great group of health professionals from the Interdisciplinary Care Team at Valerie Manor in Torrington, Connecticut. As it’s more than just the discharge planners and social workers that take part in planning a safe discharge to transition from a rehab center to someone’s home, it was great to have not only nursing management (DON & ADON) in attendance but the Infection Control and MDS Nurses, Director of Recreation, Admissions Director, Human Resources, Unit Secretaries, Clinical Liason, and others as well. Kelley discussed what home care is and how services provided by FCP Live-In can help people transition home. With the 14-day minimum, it was discussed how this period of time is perfect for those who are otherwise independent but need a little more help with their Activities of Daily Living and keeping them home until they return to their baseline level of functioning.
Assistance from an FCP Live-In caregiver can ensure people are set up for success.
Kelley also discussed how FCP Live-In services can help keep seniors safe, happy, and comfortable in their homes, avoiding a need for skilled nursing care altogether and helping reduce incidents that cause readmissions.
Many thanks to Heather Tyson, Admissions Assistant for coordinating and hosting this Lunch & Learn presentation. Everyone had a wonderful time learning about FCP Live-In home care’s services and getting to know each other better.