FCP Live-In’s Assistance Coordinator, Kelley Green, was proud to give a presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to the Interdisciplinary Care Team at Valerie Manor in Torrington, Connecticut.

FCP Live-In home care’s Assistance Coordinator, Kelley Green, was proud to give a lively and engaging presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to the Elmwood Hall’s Danbury Senior Center in Danbury, Connecticut!

FCP Live-In Homecare’s Assistance Coordinator Kelley Green gave an informative presentation to members of Elmwood Hall’s Danbury Senior Center about homecare basics. They discussed the differences between medical and non-medical home care services. Kelley shared with the members who provide which types of services, how to get them, who pays for each type of service, and what to expect from each. Everyone left the presentation with a better understanding of what homecare is in general and said that they learned a lot.

Everyone had a wonderful time learning about FCP Live-In home care services!

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