FCP Live-In’s Care Coordinator, Caitlin Condon, and Training & Development Manager, Andrea Maroto, we’re proud to give a “Lunch and Learn” presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to the Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center in East Hartford, Connecticut.

FCP Live-In’s Care Coordinator, Caitlin Condon, and Training & Development Manager, Andrea Maroto, we’re proud to give a “Lunch and Learn” presentation about FCP Live-In’s services to the Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center in East Hartford, Connecticut.

FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Caitlin Condon and Training & Development Manager Andrea Maroto gave an informative “Lunch & Learn” presentation about FCP Live-In’s live-in caregiving services to members of the Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center in East Hartford, Connecticut. We want to thank Maggie Roane, Director of Admissions and Marketing, for this opportunity!

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