FCP Live-In Was Happy To Donate A Gift Basket To The Maefair Health Care Center’s Recreation Department in Trumbull, Connecticut!
While meeting with Maefair Health Care Center Social Worker Daphne Blanchard to thank her for a referral, FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Kelley Green found that Maefair Health Care Center’s Recreation Department was fundraising for their 4th Annual Casino trip this Summer. Kelley Green connected with the Canter’s Recreation Director Sharon Setal and donated an “FCP Live-In Beach Bag” gift basket for them to raffle off. FCP Live-In and FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Kelley Green are ecstatic about doing something to help their Connecticut residents go on this fun trip.
FCP Live-In would like to thank Maefair Health Care Center Social Worker Daphne Blanchard, Recreation Director Sharon Setal, and Administrator Rita Pitter for their wonderful work at the center!
L to R: Maefair Health Care Center’s Recreation Director Sharon Setal, FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Kelley Green, and Maefair Health Care Center’s Administrator Rita Pitter.