Paying For Long-Term Care When people make plans to retire, spending more time with family and friends, traveling, and doing other things that they enjoy are typically at the top of their list. What is usually not in the plans, however, is paying for long-term care in the event of an unexpected health crisis. Long-term … Continue reading “Paying For Long-Term Care”
Category: Long Term Care
Long Term Health Care
Long Term Health Care Older adults who find themselves needing long-term care may believe that Medicare could help them pay their expenses. What may come as a surprise to some of the 63 million Medicare recipients is that Medicare—the single largest payer for health care in the United States—does not pay for long-term care. On … Continue reading “Long Term Health Care”
LTCI Is it Worth It?
long-term care insurance (LTCI) Is it Worth It? When it comes to planning for the future, there’s one question that usually comes up regarding long-term care insurance: Is it worth it? Some financial planners and health experts say long-term care insurance provides a range of services and support to help older adults meet their personal … Continue reading “LTCI Is it Worth It?”
Long Term Care Insurance News
Long Term Care Insurance News When you dress in the morning, it’s hard to believe that you may one day need someone to help you button your shirt or take you to the bathroom. But, should that day come, a long-term care insurance policy can pay for the help that you will need. No one … Continue reading “Long Term Care Insurance News”
Long-Term Care Industry
Long-Term Care Industry Nearly two years after COVID-19 began spreading across the United States, the long-term care industry continues to feel the brutal impact from the pandemic. The industry had already been struggling financially and the pandemic only made matters worse. An analysis by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living … Continue reading “Long-Term Care Industry”
Long Term Care
Long Term Care When U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-New York) was growing up, all four of his grandparents lived with him and his family in Glen Cove, New York. Suozzi said three of his grandparents were very sick and his family pitched in to care for them. Suozzi said his mother, a former operating room … Continue reading “Long Term Care”