What to Look for When Visiting Loved Ones

Discovering Peace of Mind This Holiday Season

What to Look for When Visiting Loved Ones

The holiday season is a time for joy, family, and connection. It’s also the perfect opportunity to ensure your loved ones are living safely and comfortably at home. Here are key signs to look for during your visit that may indicate they could benefit from additional support:

Check the Refrigerator

  • Look for expired or spoiled food. This could signal challenges with meal planning or grocery shopping.

Watch for Stacked or Unopened Mail

  • An unusual pile of mail or unopened letters may point to difficulties in managing daily tasks or finances.

Look for Overdue Bills

  • Missed payments could be a red flag for memory issues or trouble with organization.

Observe Personal Hygiene

  • Is your loved one maintaining their usual standards of grooming and hygiene? Changes in this area may require attention.

Assess the Home’s Condition

  • If the home used to be cleaner and more organized, this might indicate challenges with household upkeep.

Take Note of Repeated Questions

  • Frequently asking the same questions may be an early sign of cognitive concerns.

Watch for Weight Loss

  • Unintentional weight loss could indicate difficulty preparing meals, lack of appetite, or underlying health issues.

Notice Memory Gaps

  • Struggling to recall important dates, keys, or daily routines may suggest memory problems.

Observe Behavioral Changes

  • Signs like anxiety, depression, or becoming easily distracted can reflect emotional or cognitive changes that should not be overlooked.

At FCP Live-In, we’re here to support you and your loved ones. If you notice any of these signs this holiday season, let us help. Our compassionate home care services provide peace of mind, ensuring your family members can thrive in the comfort of their own homes.

Contact us today to learn how we can make a difference for your loved ones.

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