How To Give Access To A Pinterest Account

How to Add an Admin to a Pinterest Business Page

If you are the business account owner or have admin access to an account, you can add people with varying levels of access.

  1. From Pinterest, click Ads in the top left corner then select Overview to open Ads Manager

  2. Click  next to your name

  3. Click the ad account you’d like to add people to, then click View account settings

  4. Click Add people

  5. Enter the email address for the business profile you want to add to your account and then press enter

    • To grant Catalogs access, enter the business user ID associated with the person’s business account instead of their email address

  1. Select the level of access this person should have

  2. Click Add to account

On your “Account settings” page, you can view all of the people you’ve added. Click  to edit access levels or to remove people from your ad account.

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