How to give access to a Twitter account

How to give access to a Twitter account

To give access to your Twitter account (not your ad account), you’ll need to use TweetDeck.
Follow these steps to set up TweetDeck and give someone access to your Twitter account, so they can schedule and post content and reply to DMs:
Before you use TweetDeck, you need to check it’s enabled in your Twitter account:

1. Login to your Twitter account

2. Click on More

Manage Twitter account

3. Click on Settings and privacy

Settings and privacy on Twitter

3. Click Your account 

Grant account access Twitter

4. Click on TweetDeck Teams on the right-hand side

5. Make sure TweetDeck Teams is turned on:

What is Tweeteck Teams


1. Login to TweetDeck using your Twitter account credentials

2. Click on Accounts (icon with 2 people)

Where to find Manage Team on Twitter

3. Click Manage team

Manage team on Twitter

4. Write the Twitter handle for the team member you want to add starting with the @ symbol in the Add team member box

Add user to Twitter

5. Choose access level Contributor (access to post Tweets, Access direct messages, Like and Retweet) or Admin (can manage team + all contributor permissions)

6. Click Authorize

Authorize Twitter access

5. Click Change role to change the role of the team member from Contributor to Admin

Manage Twitter access

The team member you invited will receive an email like this:

Access permission email

They need to login to their Twitter account and voila, they have access!

Once they have access, you will receive a message that looks like this:

How to remove a team member’s permissions on Twitter?

You can remove a partner at any time in the Manage team section by clicking Change role then Remove from team:

Remove someone from Twitter team

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