FCP Live-In Helps Hospitals And Care Facilities With Discharges
If You Need Help Right Away Call 844-909-0815 For Assistance!
We understand the urgency to get your patients discharged home quickly and safely with a skilled Live-In Caregiver.
Contact our direct referral line for answers to your questions or to schedule intakes with families. We are available 24/7 and will work diligently with you and/or the family to start services as quickly as possible.
We reduce readmissions to hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
Our live-in caregivers collaborate with families to help manage your patient’s medications, nutrition, activities of daily living and social engagement and report any changes in condition. All elements that are necessary to keep your patients healthy and safe at home.
We have Protocols in place to protect your patients.
Our live-in caregivers are provided the necessary PPE and universal precautions training needed for patients returning home. Our Field Supervisors do daily check-ins and in-person/virtual visits to ensure patients are receiving the best possible care.
You can have peace of mind knowing that your patient can go to their own home and have one consistent caregiver keeping them safe and healthy.
Live-In Caregivers For CT, MA, ME, RI, VT
Call 844-909-0815 For Assistance,
Or Use The Contact Form Below
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