FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Garry Beard and FCP Live-In Field Supervisor Pamela Bryant Pitching In To Help A Client Get The Care They Need!
FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Garry Beard brought on a client recently, but the client needed a bed for the FCP Live-In caregiver to use. So Garry and Pam went and got an extra bed from Garry’s home and set up the bed for the caregiver to use. The amazing Western Massachusetts team is doing whatever it takes to help our clients stay in their own homes with an FCP Live-In caregiver, getting the support and care they deserve and need! Thank you to our Care Coordinator, Garry Beard, and Field Supervisor, Pamela Bryant!
FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Garry Beard and FCP Live-In Field Supervisor Pamela Bryant