FCP Live-In was a proud sponsor of the Bugbee Senior Center’s Third Annual Great Bugbee Bake Off

FCP Live-In was a proud sponsor of the Bugbee Senior Center’s Third Annual Great Bugbee Bake Off

The Bugbee Senior Center in White River Junction, VT, hosted their Third Annual Great Bugbee Bake Off (cupcake baking fundraiser) on Saturday, September 23, 2023, to raise funds for our Meals on Wheels & nutrition program, which provides 30,000 nutritious meals a year to homebound folks and seniors living in the Upper Valley. The bake-off had amateur and professional bakers join in this friendly baking competition.

Each baker baked 100 mini-cupcakes and displayed their cupcakes at the Center for the public to try. The event was open to the public, and everyone who attended became the “jury,” voting on their favorite cupcake after sampling each baker’s cupcakes. No sweet tooth went unsweetened.

FCP Live-In was a proud event sponsor, with FCP Live-In Care Coordinator Michelle DiStefano attending.



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