Leave A Google Review

Leaving A Google Review

Before you start you must have a GMail or Google Account to leave a review. If your account does not list your name, or you use an alias or nickname for your account, please let us know.

1. Click on this link to go to the FCP Live-In Google Business Listing to leave a Google review. You will be taken to a page that will look like this below.


2. On the right hand side is the Google Business Listing for FCP Live-In


3. Within the listing is a button called “Write a review.” Click on it.


4. A window will pop-up.


5. Select a number of stars to rate FCP Live-In. With this rating system 5 stars is very good. 4 stars is okay. 3 or less is considered not to good, and 1 star being very bad. In the “Share details of your own experience at this place” you can write a review. The more details you can add the better. If you would like to commend someone from FCP Live-In you can add first names but refrain from using full names or identifying locations.


6. If you have photos that you would like to up load you can click on the the little camera icon and upload photos.


7. If you do not have photos at the present time to add you can add photos later by returning to the FCP Live-In Business Listing Page mentioned at the beginning of this page and click on “Add a photo” to add a photo later.


8. After you have selected stars, written in a review, you can press “Post” to leave your review. You have posted a review and are done.


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