FCP Live-In video interview with Caregiver Bentilda
FCP Live-In video interview | Caregiver Bentilda
FCP Live-In video interview with Caregiver Bentilda
FCP Live-In video interview with Caregiver Bentilda
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda talks about her experience, training, and career being an FCP Live-In caregiver! What she loves about being an FCP Live-In caregiver and the differences between a nursing home, assisted living facility, and an FCP Live-In caregiver. Plus, Bentlda receives a “Caregiver Appreciation Award” from FCP Live-In Field Supervisor Donna McGinnelly for her outstanding work.
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda talks about her experience, training, and career being an FCP Live-In caregiver!
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda explains what she loves the most about being an FCP Live-In caregiver!
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda talks about her field supervisor, Donna McGinnelly!
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda talks about the different places in New England she has been as an FCP Live-In caregiver.
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda explains the differences between working in a nursing home, assisted living facility, and as an FCP Live-In caregiver!
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda talks about her current FCP Live-In client and how she helps as an FCP Live-In caregiver.
FCP Live-In Caregiver Bentilda receiving her “Caregiver Appreciation Award” from FCP Live-In Field Supervisor Donna McGinnelly.
FCP Live-In video interview with Caregiver Bentilda. Full interview!
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