FCP Live-In Teams Up With Paws From the Heart, Pet Therapy

FCP Live-In Teams Up With Paws From the Heart Pet Therapy

Like many older adults, Rose wanted to age in place in her home but needed help with her daily living activities. But, without a professional live-in caregiver or a relative willing to help them each day, most seniors have to leave the place they have called home for decades reluctantly.

This is where FCP Live-In steps in. FCP Live-in is a leading in-home care agency specializing in live-in care for seniors. FCP Live-in assigned Lydia as Rose’s live-in caregiver to help Rose with daily living activities. Lydia and Rose get along so well that the two have been inseparable ever since and are very happy together.

On this day, Rose was excited about the Paws from the Heart Pet Therapy team visiting her Warwick, RI, home. While waiting for the team to arrive, Rose and Lydia prepared snacks and a special treat for their soon-to-be new furry friend, Mike.

When the Paws from the Heart Pet Therapy team finally arrived, Lydia and Rose welcomed Michelle, Gary, & their dog Mike, the couple’s American Staffordshire/English bulldog mix. Mike was a rescue from a New York City shelter and is a qualified specialty-trained therapy dog.

Rose was happy to meet Mike, and it was obvious that Mike was delighted to meet her, too. Rose’s memories came flooding back upon Mike’s contact with her. While petting him, Rose recounted stories to Michelle, Garry, and Lydia about her dog, Bingi, who passed away.

Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy teams have brought smiles and enjoyment to people like Rose since the nonprofit organization began in 2017. Based in West Warwick, RI, Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy provides pet therapy dogs to people of all ages. Studies have found that animal-assisted therapy has many benefits.

Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy teams undergo extensive training and certification. For example, all dogs must have at least 10 hours of mentoring with a senior handler upon graduation before going solo. The training program is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Teams certified through Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy are eligible for the AKC Pet Therapy title.

Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy also has a program specifically designed for seniors. According to the organization, pet therapy dogs provide older adults with self-worth and mental stimulation. The organization also says that visits by the teams reduce boredom and even help dementia patients recover memories of their own past pets.

Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy and FCP Live-In are both on a mission to improve the quality of life of older adults and bring enjoyment to them at the same time.

In nearly three decades of operating throughout New England, FCP Live-In has become a leader in the live-in care industry. The company provides options for seniors who cannot live independently yet want to remain independent. Without the assistance of compassionate live-in caregivers, FCP Live-In clients could be forced to live with their adult children or move into an assisted living facility or a nursing home.

David Anthony, FCP Live-In’s CEO, considered these options when he founded the company in 1997. “Right now, you either have a home health aide who comes to the home for a few hours, or a loved one needs to go into an assisted living facility,” Anthony said. “But what if you take the best of both? An insured and bonded live-in caregiver who provides one-on-one care right in the home. That’s where FCP Live-In comes in.”

FCP Live-In has an in-depth hiring process. For instance, live-in caregiver applicants undergo rigorous state and federal background checks. After a series of interviews, applicants who stand out are invited to another interview. Applicants then attend a 2-day orientation to further assess their abilities and attitude. The company also provides ongoing training for live-in caregivers, who are also insured and bonded.

Ensuring applicants will be a good fit, and their past work experience are essential factors in the hiring process. Clients must trust their live-in caregivers to help them with personal care, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and toileting. FCP Live-In caregivers also help clients manage their health conditions, which may include serious illnesses and need Alzheimer’s disease care, dementia care, cancer care, heart disease and stroke care, and Parkinson’s disease care, along with palliative care and hospice care.

FCP Live-in clients and caregivers, like Rose and Lydia, also create many beautiful memories together. Rose and Lydia gave Mike a stuffed toy duck and some gourmet organic dog treats. Rose also showed her ring and a picture of Bingi. “He left his paw print on my heart,” Rose said. “He left me, but he’s now still with me. He is still there.”

Although Rose misses Bingi, she has made new friends through Paws From The Heart Pet Therapy. The visit went so well that they are happily planning their next visit together.

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