Chronic Kidney Failure Care

In-Home Home Care For Someone With Chronic Kidney Failure

Chronic Kidney Failure Care | In-Home Care | Chronic Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, Kidney Stones, Glomerulonephritis, Acute Nephritis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Urinary Tract Infections, Caliectasis, Acidosis, Uremia, Hydronephrosis, Pyelonephritis, Kidney Cysts, Nephrotic syndrome, AzotemiaAt FCP Live-In, we help families through challenging times by providing quality, in-home care for their loved ones. For more than two decades, families have relied on us to manage their loved one’s care as their family member navigated through serious health issues like chronic kidney failure. We take a personalized approach in developing plans that will help your loved one maintain independence—as long as possible—at home.

Our highly skilled and trained caregivers have a 24-hour support system of professionals who are available at all times. Some of the many services we provide include:

  • • Personal care services: Assistance with grooming, dressing, bathing, toileting, exercising
  • • Homemaker services: Assistance with meal preparation, feeding, light housekeeping, shopping
  • • Companion services: Transportation to appointments, accompanying client to recreational activities, providing emotional support

FCP Live-In caregivers help to ensure your loved one’s well-being and safety. Affordable, quality home care is as easy as ever with FCP Live-In. Contact us today for more information. Call 1 (866) 559-9492.

Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure

Chronic kidney failure occurs when both kidneys stop working properly. According to the National Kidney Foundation, having kidney failure means the loss of 85 to 90 percent of your kidney function. The foundation also estimates that 1 in 3 Americans are at risk for chronic kidney failure, also called chronic kidney disease.

The kidneys, located on either side of the spine, filter wastes and excess fluids from the blood and excretes them into the urine. Besides filtering wastes, the kidneys also regulate blood pressure.

When the kidneys stop functioning properly, the fluids and wastes that build up in the body can place a person at risk for kidney failure.

The National Kidney Foundation reports that diabetes and high blood pressure are common causes of kidney failure. Both health conditions are treated with medications. And, when used regularly on a long-term basis, prescription medications, such as diuretics to treat high blood pressure, can damage kidney cells. Over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can also cause kidneys to malfunction when taken routinely over time.

People suffering from kidney failure exhibit such signs or symptoms as:

  • Swollen ankles and feet due to fluid retention
  • Chest pain due to fluid build-up around the heart
  • Decreased urine output
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Blood in the urine
  • Muscle cramping
  • Lack of energy and weakness
  • Weak immune system

There is no cure for chronic kidney failure. In some cases, people in the advanced stage of kidney failure turn to in-home caregivers for support.

At FCP Live-in, we understand the difficulties our clients with kidney disease face on a daily basis. With the professional support system that we have in place, we provide affordable care as complications from the kidney disorder prevent our clients from being able to take care of themselves.


Dialysis or Transplant Needed for Advanced Kidney Failure

Chronic kidney failure can become worse and reach what is called, “end-stage kidney disease.” A person cannot survive this advanced stage of kidney failure without undergoing a kidney transplant or receiving dialysis.

The National Kidney Foundation estimates that more than 475,000 people with advanced kidney disease receive dialysis at least three times a week. Dialysis is a process that removes toxins and excess fluids from the blood.
Failing to receive dialysis on a regular basis can be fatal for people with end-stage kidney disease. Having reliable transportation to and from dialysis and to regular doctor appointments are essential.

The caregivers at FCP Live-In can provide services to your loved one as they go through dialysis or recover from a kidney transplant.

Link to National Kidney Foundation estimate:

Millions Nationwide Affected by Chronic Kidney Disease

The National Kidney Foundation estimates that 30 million people (or 15 percent of the adult population) have chronic kidney disease and about 90 percent are not aware that they have the disorder.

Chronic kidney failure affects people 65 years and older more than it does those who are under 65, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In addition, more women (15 percent) suffer from chronic kidney failure than men (12 percent), according to CDC statistics. However, when it comes to end-stage kidney disease, the CDC reports that for every 2 women who develop advanced kidney failure, 3 men develop the condition.

An in-home caregiver, however, can support adults facing kidney failure by giving quality care and providing services to help them improve their quality of life.



Caring for Your Loved One Is a Full-Time Job

If your loved one has chronic kidney failure and receives dialysis multiple times each week, it may be difficult for you to take your family member to treatment, especially if your work full time.

It may also be hard to keep track of your loved one’s doctor appointments, what medications to take and when to take them. Caring for your loved one can be a full-time job all in itself.

Placing your loved one in an assisted living facility or a nursing home may relieve you of daily caregiving tasks. But, you do not have a guarantee that this is the best solution for your loved one who has an advanced stage of kidney failure.

While a facility may make arrangements for your loved one to receive dialysis, the question is whether the facility’s staff takes a day-to-day customized approach to caring for your family member. Staff have limited one-on-one time with each patient.

What’s more, the cost of care adds up each month and you wonder whether you can afford to keep your loved one in a facility.

Clearly, affordable in-home care is by and large a great option for your loved one. Your family member can remain in a familiar and secure environment while receiving personal attention from an in-home caregiver.

If you would prefer personalized in-home, quality care for your loved one, contact FCP Live-In to discuss our services.

About FCP Live-In and Our Chronic Kidney Failure Care Services

Chronic Kidney Failure Care | In-Home Care | Chronic Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, Kidney Stones, Glomerulonephritis, Acute Nephritis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Urinary Tract Infections, Caliectasis, Acidosis, Uremia, Hydronephrosis, Pyelonephritis, Kidney Cysts, Nephrotic syndrome, AzotemiaWe have provided the ultimate solution for assisted Chronic Kidney Failure Care services since 1997. Our live-in Chronic Kidney Failure Care services agency is committed to providing a unique and customized In-Home Chronic Kidney Failure Care services approach to senior care with the goal of a lifestyle that provides enjoyment for the one in care, and families with peace of mind.

FCP Live-In is a Live-In Home Care company with over two decades of experience specializing in elderly care needs within the home. Our live-in caregiver staff provides an insurance policy of safe and supportive care, along with a 24/7 professional support system that is there for the client and the live-in caregiver at all times.

For more information about our Chronic Kidney Failure Care services, contact FCP Live-In today at 1 (866) 559-9492 or please fill out the form below.

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